Fairwell Traxbeat!
It was 2014... now is 2024... the time i'm writing this...
Traxbeat, an idea that came out through my own fights in the music business as a musician. It took me around 7 years to transform it from an idea to a working web platform by doing everything on my own from coding and designing to marketing. Nowadays my family and daily job is obviously more important as well as time consuming, which means I cannot keep it alive anymore.
Was Traxbeat successful? With more than 110k contacts Traxbeat was expanding every single day until Summer of 2024. By comparing the amount of emails I sent an invitation and the users registered through this whole process, Traxbeat seemed to be promising but as a business the requirements are many for a single working person. Simply because, to run such a business you need tons of time, money and people around you.
For those who truly love creating music I know how hard it is to make a living by making the music you love to. As an artist as well, I tried many times. I had my ups and downs but that's life! So let's keep going! I hope from the bottom of my heart that you will all find a way to breakthrough in the music business or whatever else you are doing, and make your dreams come true whatever they are.
So that's all folks! I would like to thank all of the artists that joined and believed in my idea by uploading their music and participating in the rating process. If you would like to get in touch with me about Traxbeat or anything else, you can always find me below:
Sincerely yours,
Vasilis Milopoulos
to all Traxbeat users...
Jovanovski Solomun Nenad, -Stratusphere-, .The_.Lmn_ Nrd_Ys/Lemon Nerd Ys], (Lok_E), 1devi, 1Luv Eli, 1More2Me, 1OneHand!, 1tedowrldd, 2bnsn, 2L-Box, 2tru, 2up, 30RoundCEO, 37karas, 3R1, 3rd Rell, 3rick Frozzon, 3Tekk, 4100icy, 4D4M, 4DDD, 6ix1een AKA EVOLV, 7DOLLAR, 7ell Records, 7even Icon, 808 Prophet, 84 Avenue, 99EDL, A Darker Wave, A-slamxK.A.E, Aalson, Aaron Suiss, Abdullah Shanan, Abee Sash, Abel Meyer, Abizzlee, ABM, About River, Abouzar Mohammadi, Abstracte Music, Achex, Adam Ezra, Adam_Robbo, Adan Hujens, Adder, Adeline Yeo, Adept Records, Adnan Jakubovic, Adrian Garza, Adrian Rey, ADRIEN(RO), AdryxG, AEDR0x7, Aejix, Aeolu5, AFROHOUSE DJ, AFTERMATH (RO), AG10, Agents Of Destiny, Agu Crespo, Agustin Olmedo, Agustin Pietrocola, Ai Case, Aitor Robles, Ajakh, AK47FULL.COM, AKOLYTE, Aks Media, Akuba, Akyut, Alakai, Alan Martin, Alar, Alban Berisha, AlBird, Alchemist Spider, ALDOR, Ale De Maio, Ale Effe, Ale Poe, Alec (Mx), ALECEO, Alejandro Mnml, Alessandro Conti, Alex Cecil, Alex Helder, Alex Medina, Alex Mueller, Alex Silves, Alex Spire (ex. DJ Snuggle), Alex Ull, Alex Vegas, Alex Volta, Alexa Rae, Alexander Vija, Alexc_Dj, AlexC., Alexia Ev, Alexis Bet, Aleyum, Alez, ALICE XLS, Alima, Alive N Spirit, Allan McLoud, Allen Wish, Allvix, ALONSO, Altered St8, Alternative Future, Althoff, Alvez, AlxrZone, ALYOTIS, Aman Anand, Amelia Leigh, Amelie Richards, Ammen Rec, Amono Dio, Amour Propre, AN$iC From EastScythe Records, Ander Huang, Andre (ARG), Andre Mayborn, Andre Melcher, Andreas, Andres Moris, Andrew Frenir, Andrew Meller, Andrew Nagy, ANDROOSH, Andy, Andy Frangi, Anelopontecorvo, Angry Rabbit Records, Anita Bo, Anney Stearm, Anorre, Another Dream, Another Love, Antarsys, AnthemOverload, ANTiHERo., Antman Ant, Anton Borin, Anton Fokin, Anton Make, Antonyo Aroyo, Apaztron, Apo Tulup, Apostolos Terlis, Approximate, Aquarius Heaven, Aquinas Music, AQUO, Arba Han, Archa1c, Archangel28, ArchFlameZ, Arena, Arentis, Argi, Argiris Mil, Argy K, Ari, Aria Des, Ariadna Sol, Arina Mur, Arkadiusz., Arman Vardanyan, Armando Mendes, ARMENHAMMA, Arnaud Cordova, AROS Music, ARTBAT, Arthaum, Artifact, Artless Being, Artois, Artur Kasatsky, ASCENT, Ashish Sharma, Asi Kojak, Astrotrain, Ataah King, Ataman Live, Athanasia, Athenat'ohm (Choupitek), Atom (IE), Atomic House, Atribut, Attilson, Attxla, Audio Chaserz, Audio Kingz Records, AudioLad, Augurs Audio Cult, Aural_State, Auratech, Auremas, Austin Rudin, Austin Tuttle, Auto Music, Auxesia, Aves Volare, Avi Ark, Avsten, AVYVA, Awill, AWJ Recordings, AWOGA, Ayaz Yolchuyev, Aye Milly, AZHARI, Aztec Records, B A N D I, B E N O U, B O - E, B.P.S. Productions, Baal (SL), BackstoryDisco, Bad Balance, Bad Monkey, Bagoly, Bahaa.AlDeen, Baikonur Recordings, Baislamhq, BANDOB, BANG LA DECKS, Baphomental, Bareon, BARONE, Basil O'Glue, Bass Controllism Records, Bass Militia Records, Bass On The Flow, Bassanova, Bassboat, BassQ, Bauhouse, Bautista Gaya, BBR, Beat Alliance, Beatamines, Beatmad, Beenoise, Beespace, Before Mars, Belinda, Ben Blash, BEN PROPHET, Bene Marshall, Berat Oz, BERGWALL, Big Biggie, Big Qosh Music Group, Biggoose, BigTunes Records / Phat Panda Records, Billy Busevski, Billy Dancer, Biophaze Records, Bioritm, BISITY, BJOREK, BK Masondo, Blachord, Black Turtle Records, Blank Capsule Records, Blank Copy, Blenx, Blessed Music, Bloky, Bloom, Blue Attitude, Blue From The Sticks, BluEye, BNCexpress, BOB ASTER, Bobby McFisher, BOBBY30, Bodisaffa Music, BOHEM, Boho, Bonkr, Border Control, Boredome, Boris Durets, Borka & The Gang, BORRO, Boulévard Brooks, Boxout, Brad Grobler, Bradley Skeng, Brascon, Braum, Brav0, Breakform Music, Breath_of_music, Brent Anthony, Brent Lawson, Bretho Rodriguez, Brian Vee, Broeging, Broken Lip, Bruce Jones, BRUTEC, Brych, BSA, Bubba Brothers, Bugra Atmaca, Bull Records, Burigo, C H R I S L V C K, Caedmon Rigby, Cai Banner, Cakmak, Caleb Bradley, Caliclub Recordings, CaligoA9C, Calisto Records, Candy&Smile Records, Cansy, Cap'n Richie, Captain Kollect, Caputi, Carara, Cardboard People, Caren Callas, Carl Denali, Carla Schmitt, Carlesdj, Carlos Ferreira(POR), Carlos Grant, Cary Crank, Cas, Cash From Hash, Cashm Pilot, Caskeyboardproducer, Casmalia, Cat Carson, Catamount Records, Cave Studio, CDj Records, Cedricksmith, Cekezz, Cenk Gursoy, CH04, Chael Produciendo, CHAMPBELS VIBE, CHAOS Techno.Berlin, ChaoticHermit, CHAPA, Chari$ma, Charles Universe, CharlesRamirezOficial, Charlie Curtin, Charlie Hesen, Charly H. Fox, Chazo Montega....$, CHEAPTALK, Chedey Garcia, CheekyPromo, Chemikkal, Chicano, ChimeMakers, CHOMPPA, Chris Estrella, Chris Hover, Chris Lloyd, Chris Luno, Chris Neil, Chris Perkins, Chris Sterio, Chris Warner, Chris Wiggs, Christian Parkins, Christopher Euton, Chritis M., Chroma (AU, Chronic, Chylds, CITIZEN_KANE, CJ Suprxme, CLA$$ KILLEM', Clan Brude, Claudia Rossi, Clay Van Dijk, CLGR, Clive Pett, Clouded., CLRBLND., Club Squisito, CMRN HILL, Cocho, Company Is Family, Concordia Recordings, Concrete Panther, Confirmbackup, Confluence, Conisbee, Conor O'Sullivan, Consoul Trainin, CONTROFASE, Cookies Slayer, CoolKidz, Coolnick_HALL, COQUEIT, Corleone Juan, Costa Leon, Coustan, CRAFT (EG), CRANKBOY, Creative Music, Crille & Tamalt, Cristhian Kaiser, Cristi Klebleev, Cristian Hidalgo, Cristian Poow, Criterion Records, Cruzer Urameshi, CUERVO, Cueto, Cupidtn, Cury Music, CyaLaterLat, Cyanide Sorrow, Cynda, D R S /the Dark Sider ., D-Formation, D-WILLZ, D'Amico & Valax, D'Khem, Da Lee LS, DAEDRA, DAF, Daijan, Dam Vinh Hung, Damo Cox, Dan Baber, Dan Bass, Dan Raymando, Dan Stringer, Dan Tanev, DANBLAST, Dani Sinergia, Daniels98, Dannic, DANNY C, Dante Tom, Dapth Productions, Dario Dea, Dario Santana, Dark Horse Cowboy, Dark HunterZ, Dark Lab Records Ltd, Darkmave, DARKSUN, DarkSunn, DaRo_aka_Mr_Menator, Darrion Parker, DarronT, Daryll Dobson - Jazz Violinist And Guitarist, Daslios S.O.C., DATMIN, Dav The Ninja, Dave Burden, DAVE ERA, Dave Leatherman, Dave Lock, David Arias, David Curie, David Gunter, David Keno, David Moleon, David Zanellati, DAVIDE T, Davv-O $tacks, DBeats DeeJay, Dbeatzion Records, De Fesc, De Menos Crime, Dead Memories, Deadfunk, Dean Hadron, DEATH TO HELLMANE, DEATHLY CHILL, DeathNov, Deciduous, Decruz (ARG), Deefo, DeejayInsane, DeejayYB, Deep Colective(art-vicion), Deep Compact Records, Deep Hype Sounds, DEEP PEOPLE RECORDS, Deep Space Dreams, Deep Surr, Deep Whirlpool, Deepbreath, DeepClassRecords, Deeper Motion Recordings, Defi Os, Delrady, Demmo, Dennis AF, Der EVA, Desejo Beats, Desert Gomes(IamVamped), Desmond Cheese, Desno, Desthen, Devil Aka Syntec_ Official, Dexter Skaii, DHARMARAT, DHRMK, Diabolusinlinea, Diac, Diadem Records, Dialect Audio, Diarmo, Didascalis, DIE FOR ME, Diego Miranda (CH), Diego Moreira, Diego VVX, Digatrip, Digital 101 Recordings, Digitalie, Dijaya Raja (yog19), DILEMMA, Dilemma Collective Podcast, Dilicious, DIM3NSION, Dimas Mixon, Dimi Phaze, Dimitri Antek, DiMO (BG), Dimpap, Diniz (CH), Disassociate Dubs, DISORDER, Disrupted Music, Dissolut, Distorted Memories, Distorted Vortex, DistortedDarkLord, Dizharmonia, DJ ACK, DJ AMERN/ M.NASSRAT, DJ Bird, Dj Bribiesca, DJ CASANOVA SOUL DESIGN, DJ Chus, DJ Combo, DJ CoolRex, DJ Cruse, DJ Danzik, DJ Dash Hazard, Dj Diass, DJ Emac, DJ Empress, Dj Fess (Elite Soundz), DJ Frankie Guess, DJ Fronter, DJ GABRIEL DO BPM, DJ GLoM, Dj Henna, Dj HotSauce, DJ Huck Finn, DJ IC, DJ IGUANA THE COOKER, Dj Jacobb, DJ Juggy, DJ K-One Aka K187, DJ Kundera, Dj Lebza, DJ Lex, DJ LittlePea, Dj Luizaoevolution, DJ Lusiman, Dj LYGER, Dj MaKy - M.K.S, DJ Markie B, DJ MAST, Dj Maury Tripp, DJ Miliano, DJ Miss Ray, DJ MR.LUCKY, Dj Musique, Dj Nathey SA, DJ Paul, DJ Paulo Leite Official, DJ POTXO, DJ Quantum HH, Dj Rafael Paredes, Dj Rosario, DJ Ruby, Dj Rulernirek, DJ SaF (Official), DJ Samuel Lawrence, DJ Sconvolto (MDMA Records), DJ SHAN, DJ SPACELY, DJ Steavy Boy, DJ TIBE, DJ TOPSIT, Dj Trinity UK, Dj Vero R., Dj Will, DJ ZOE SOUND, DJ_Jen Jen, Dj-ferre, Dj-Richard, DJ-THEO, Dj. Richard Raidik, Djavi Gonza, DjDaro, DJDAVIDOB13 [[ TREM DA SUL ]], DjGussie, DjMakei_moonvalley, DjMartain, DjMikahS, DJNR8R. Creator Of E.Y.I Man Records, Djrl Doog, DjSchluetex, DJW!LL, DK-West, Dkeymusik, DKult, Dmt Cymatics, DNF, DntAskWhy, Doctor Low Live, Dodo, Dods., Doerd, Dolu, Don Longton, Don Son, Don Vega Rsa, Dondo, DoosC, Dorek, Double Vanity, Dr Beat21, Dr FMW, DR.F, Dr.Wiesl, DRAGO, Drama Club, Dreadnought, Dreal, Dreaming While Awake, Dreamixai, Dreams Creater, Dreamspace, DRINHO, DrS, Drumad, DU BARON, Dubstep Instrumental, Ducci Forever, Duce Martinez, DUH PROJECT, Dustin Rosata, Dvlex, Dyna Remix, Dysteel, DYSTO3.14, E Wonder, E.F.G., E.T.H (Italy), Earl Orlog, Early Le Doc, EBR Label, EBXM, Echo Deep, ECO$YSTEM, Ed Lev, Ed Nine, Ed Noodle, Ed Steele, Eddie E., Eddie Kitsner, Eddu Dias, Eddward Gum, Eddy Tango, EDEXY, Edoardo De Vitis, Edu Schwartz, Edvard Hunger, Edvin Camema, EffectiveSound, EGO, Ekula, El_chad, EL$E, ELANTRIS RECORDS, Ele Ninja, Electronic District, Eli David, ELIS EISBERG, Eliyahu (IL), Elkuefo, Elmajo, ELODIE, Eloy Hoose, Emanate, Emanuele Cappello, Emiel Roche, EMIOL, EmKEY A.k.a. Alan Bicco, Emma Diva, Emma Sanchez, Emran Music, Ender Royers, Enman, Entienel, Enygma, EPHLUM, Erdem Senel, Eric Olivier Mario, Eric Shans, Erick Khalifa, Erik Heirman, Ernest Kalinin, Ervin Mitchell, ESCRIVA, EsSimou, Essloe, Esteban Otoya, ETERNAL COMA, Eternal Moment, Eternal Starlight Recordings, Eternal_Beats, Euphorix, Eva Keiffenheim, Eva Sive, Evangelos Kastamoulas, EVERGREEEN, Evi Orgatz, ExoPhono Recordings, Eyes Of A Different Color, F E R L O, F.A.D, Fa$T B1Ack, Faber Dryos, Fabio Fuso, Fabricio Mosoni, Facade/Desolated House, Falcon Rites, Falko Niestolik, False Intentions, Faminski, Fancy Floss, Farallel, Farry, Faruk Khaledi, Fausto Almonte, Feel Free Records, Feitoza (BR), Felipe Alonso, FERMATA, FERRARI$MOKE, FERXU, FH Sessions (PXM), FIGMENT, Figueredo (AR), Fil Dex / Fil Harmonius, Filipe Guerra, Findlay Johnston, Findz Records, FINRG Recordings, Fire Sign Productions, Fireblast, Fk Distribution Music, Flavio MP, Flawx, FLEXX, FlipJaw, Florian Kruse, Florian Sejdiaj, Floris Dice, FLOW STATE, FMGENT (MUSIC P.L.U.G), FML - Funk My Life, Foley, Fonarev Vladimir, Fonk Recordings, FonkiTuur, For Senses Records, ForryOfficial, Fractal Architect, Francesco De Argentis, Francesco Dibenedetto, Francesco Parente, Franchitto123, Franco Romano, Frank Franco, Frank The Pro, Frankie Vertigo, Franz Johann, Franziskus, Fraqtion, Fraser Wilson, Freakcisco, Freddy Da Stupid, Freddy James, Frederico Gordiux, Free Food, FREEMAN (AR), Freemann (IT), Freny, Fresco Records, Fri By Frikardo, From Ireland , FRONT LEFT SPEAKER , FROZT , Fuenzalida , Full Flex Audio , Funky M , Fusion (IRE) , Futo The Producer , Future Prophecy , Future Skyline , FUZZ , Fuzzy Hair , Fx_berg , G.DoubleO.S.E. , Gabriel Dancer , Gabriel Spinelli , Gabriel Watereast , Gaia Barbero , GalaxyTones , Gameboyz , GastoM , Gaston Pillo (ARG) , Gatto , Gavin Rochford , GAZ (SLU) , Geecee , Gelios , GenetiK , GEO , George Apo , George D. Van Currant , George Dare , George North , Gergo Bischof , GESTALT.PROMO , Ghazi , GHOST BEAT PROJECT , Ghost Elvis , Giacomo , Gianni Firmaio , Gilles Bernies , Gio Correia , Giovanni Madeo , Giraffe Records , Girlfriend Records , Giulio Ricciardi , GIZ , Gizmo (Mx) , Gleb Bykox , Gnemonic , GODMASK , GODYSSEY , Golabex , Golden Fez Official , Gonza Rodriguez , Gonzalo M-Art , Good Music , GOONIE NO RUNNING (WEST GA GOON) , Gorka Vinsky , Gotarux , GOTHICGODPURPLE , Gowzer , Grace Smith , Grammik , Grand Giro , Greg De Wijn , Greg Hobgood , Greg Korra , Greg Ochman , Greg Waters , Greg Welsh , Gregory Torres , Greqko , Grillzaka Gee Tha Drip , Grim , Grimm , Gritz Dubz , GROOVE HUNTER , Grooves And Moves , GroovyDuck Beats , GRUF TO MUF , Gruuve , GruuvElement's , Gui Franciscon , Guido Cea , Gunn , Gustavo Lobo , Guul , Gux Jimenez , Gyn-X , H2O Aka Kaltes Herz , H4LFMOON , Haks , Haleen Music , Halil Sensei , Halley Seidel , HANDS Records , Hannah Obadiah , Hannes Wiehager , Hansonic , Hanstler , Hanta Nashob (The Unknown Artist) , Harb_Allen , HarkaH , Harry Dorima , Hasan Ghazi , Hassan Maroofi , Hawkmoon , Haxxy , Headbirds , Heckman , Helix , Helix One (Official) , Hellbred Records. , Henry Cullen , Heraldo Hadu , Hernan Serrao , HeroTwin ( The BassMint Society ) , Herr Oppermann , Herrera Hammurabi , Hesham Watany , Hidalgo , Hidden Voices , High Five Music Records , High On Mars , HighClassLowlifeSociety , Highway 307 , Hilarity Leap Records , Hip Hop 24/7 Repost , HIRAETH , HISSTORY UA , HMNN , HNGT , HO4IPROD , Hoise , Horatio , Horda , Hotmood , House Of Boost Records , HOUSE Of SHIRUBI , House-KickerZ , Hovak , Howard Kerr , Hrag Mikkel , Huncho Grim , HunterSynth , Huntr , HXVSAGE , HydeClip , HydraDubz , HyperSOUL-X , Hypnotic Peafowl , I Cant Let You Forget Me , I.N.Kognito , Ian Dillon , Ian Ewing , IAN LAPA , Ian McCoy , Ian Osborn , Iba Boo , ICE CREAM MUSIC , IGGY (BE) , IL Gualdo , Ilinx , Illarion , ILLUS1ON , Iltoro , Ilya Dubrovin , Ilya Santana , IMGFriend , Immersed Recordings , Impulz Lab , Indy Lopez (Club Beatz) , Infin9ityMusic - I9M Recordings , Infinity Music , InFusco , Innessa Kuz , Inselbunker , Insomnia Feels Like ... , Inspired Essence , Intacto , Intervalo , Ioani , IOTA , Irregular Disco Workers , Irwin Romero , Is'busisoeskhulu , Isabelle Gaultir Aka French Navigator , It Is Jev , Ithur , ItzJustD4ve , IVELA , IVision , Ivory Coats , J 1 6 , J.Sintax , J.THYS , Jack District , Jackie Jeff , Jackie Mayden , Jackob Rocksonn , Jacob Williams , Jade , Jag Milan , Jahaya , JAii RyDa , Jairo Beltrami , Jaivy , Jake Maxwell , Jake Ryan , Jakob De Wittig , James Feel , JamieTrench , Jan Darsel , Jando_Records , Jarred Romley , Jason Cogua , Jason DeRoche , Jason Farmer , Jason Gorey , Jason Joy , Jasted , JAUZ , Javier Misa , Javier Montoliu , Javier_Alemany , Jaxx Inc. , JAY , Jay Funck , Jay Get Em , Jay Mark , JAY OVAL , Jay_DaJoker.Prod , Jay-x , JAY2BREEZY , JayworkMusic , Jean Vayat , JEAUXX , JEDDI , Jeff Amine , Jeff Jefferson , Jehra , Jelle Van Leeuwen , JENZ VENZ PRIVATE , Jera , Jeremy Tsunami , JERO , Jesuan M , Jesus Duran , JHORI , Jhozer , Jickow , Jim Heder , Jim P. , Jiminy Hop , Jinzz , Jo Creep , Jo Crimaldi , Joan Cases , Jodie Knight , Joe Hannsen , Joe'l , John Castel & Xan Castel , John Moore , John Ov3rblast , John Rabone , John Smith , Johnny Dee , Johnny I. , Johnny McAuley , JOIX , JONAH. , Jonny Lee X 10 , Jordan B , Jordy Copz , Joren Heelsing , Jorge Andrade , Jorge Viana , Joseph Disco , Joseph Kaz , Jourdan Bordes Perfecto Toolroom , Joy Kitikonti , Jozef Nemcek , JP Lantieri , JP Mayeur , Jp Orpha , JRACE , JRC Music , JSR , Juan Alminana As /ZEUS /J14OB , Juan Buitrago , Juan Pablo Torrez , Juan Ram , Juan Trompis , Juana Romairio , Juanito , Juanito HarDestroy , Juhst Goh , Julian Julz Da Deejay Smith , Jumpnow//drum And Bass(jn/dnb) , Junior EP , Just Genuine , Just Jovani , JustDee , Justin-Sane , Justinbeatz , JVCKPOTZ , K Logan , K O C C I N , K-lab , K.A.E (k.shehata) , K.N.O.R. Records , K9 Beats , Kabir Khan , Kaddyn Palmed , Kader SixsenseS , Kai McLean , KAIMusic , Kaiyan , Kakha Tomadze , KaKi , Kaleb Herman , Kalico Jak , KAMASAKI SURF CORP. , Kandar , Kara Angel , Karim , Karl Seery , Karlos Kastillo , KARMAX/THE WHITE EP 2023 OUT NOW! , Karol Colomb , Kaska Records Studios , Kassetnikrecords , Kassier , Katoff , Kay Jay , KayZen , KAZAL Records , KE7IN_Official , Kenway , Kercha , Kevin Ganora , Kevin Sunray , KeViN11 , Kevino D - Digital Music Artist 777 , KEYBLOW , Keylo (dnb) , KeyWork , Khaled Abdrabo , KHANE , KHAOS PARRISH , Kid Tempo , Kieran San Jose , KIKKX , Kilany M , King Cut The Producer - Da 2nd Coming Of Mobb Deep , King Fu , King ManP , Kingdom Audio Services , Kingmoe , Kiss Dance Records , KIYANO , KIZE , Klaplong , Kleiman , KlinsKid (Music) (Afro) (Hip Hop) (Naija) (Trends) , Klxnam , Knowlton Walsh , Knox The Beatmaker , KO-ZAK , Koen Janssen Music , Koi , Kompleks , Konrad Dycke , Konstantinus , Kooku , Korey Paige , KOSMOS , Kostas T , KOU , Krash! , Krat-R [Rstr] , Krav , KRAZ8 , KRdaTrapper , Krias , Krib Official , Krib Official Music , Kris'K , KRIVDA , Kryptos , KRYTURE , KUDD , KULI , KURT137! , Kurza , Kusta5 , KVKI , KVMYLL , Kvngkay. , Kvoox , Kye Murray , Kyros Collective , L MechaniX , L-Side , L2 , L34T0V3RS , La Bam Bi , La Foresta Recordings , La Guardia De La Luz , Labadcurly , LABROS , Lacey (uk) / 2Peol3 / 2Peopl3 , LacMan , Laeko , Lampone , Landau , Landscapes , Lara , Laroz , Larry Merritt , Las Olas Records , Latin House Nation , Laura Baker , Laura BRK , Lautaro Mauti (AR) , LaxTexx , Lay Low Records , Lazy Ant , Le Brion , Leap Of Faith , Lee Leprechaun , Lefa22 , Left Handed Right Minded , Lena Storm , Leo Mellado , Leon Capeta , Leon Tanz , Leonardo Piva , LeonElRay , LeoPan , Leorion , Less Lethal , Letos , Lex Baby , Liarsenic , Liddle Rascal , Light Gal , Like Post , Likzur , Lil B.R.O (Living In Life Being Real Optimistic) , Lil Bird , Lil Curzed , Lil Steez , Lil Triiz , Lila Rose (UY) , Liquid Beat Records , Liv B.eats , LODI , LOGE21 , Logger & Critical Error , Loist , Loon E Lou , Lore Dasher , Lorem , Lorenzo , Lorenzo Al Dino , Los Bastoneros , Lost Desert , LOST SOULS MUSIC , Lou Rosco , Lou8 , Loudek , Loutouse , Low Voltage , Lowgroov , Luan Pugliesi , Luca G , Luca Guerrieri , Luca Marussich , Luca Padovani , Luca-Sisto , Lucas Martinez , Lucas Monteiro , Lucas Perdomo , Lucas Pietra , Lucid Daydreams , LUCID LUCIA , LUCO , Ludowick , Luhcy , Luigi Sambuy , Luis Manzanares DJKOOKANE , LUJANO , Lukas Van Maanen , Luke Davis , Luke DB , Luke Santos , Luman , LUME , LUMMI , Lunanescence , LUPE , Lupin SL , Luz Ale , Luz Del Fuego , LVKE , LVNE , LXGHTMANE , Lxna , LXRES , Lyes , M O O O N C H E E S E , M. Reza Shayesteh , M'ad , M4 DNB , Mac Dephoner , MachiChunky , Maclock , MADIZON , Madman J , MADSKO , Maff_Effect , Mafia Family Group Sri Lanka , Magnetizm , Mai Huy Dai , Maikubi , MAJDBEAST , Majed Salih , MAKID , Malaki_ , MALAKIIA , Malamas73 , Malcolm Funktion , Man Lamb , MAN9 , Mannequin , Mantij , Manu Lopez Sound , Manu Pavez , MANUF , Manuman , Maor Levi , Marboc , Marc Dime , Marcario , Marcel Mars , Marcelo Vasami , Marco Bedini , Marco Berdon , Marco Fernandez (session Musician/composer) , Marco Piangiamore , Marco Wellisch , MarcoFarouk , MarcSoFly Official , Marcus Nilla , Marcus Peak , Marga Sol , Maria Golemi , Mariano Santos , Mario Fitoria , Mario Iobbi , Mario Modano , Mark Hamilton , MARK LOOP , Mark Tammo , Mark Wilson , Marko Markovic (Demons Are Black Holes) , Marky V , Marques Skot , Martin Fredes , Martin Magal , Martin Meister , MARTIN PANIZZA , Marto Zolo , Marvas , Mary Mesk , Mary's Land , MARZO XYX , Mask Off , Massimo Logli , Matias Delongaro , MATIRAMIC , Matiso , Matisso , Matteo Calise , Matthieu B. ( Official ) , Mattia Matto , Mattia Musella , MaTTrA , MAUDi , MaullyMaul Beats , Max Blucher , Max Boncompagni DJ , Max Ches , Max SA , Max Stay , Max Wexem , Maxceeport , Maxi Vega Music , Maximo Records , Maxx Owen , MaXxout , Mayo2004 , Maz (EG) , Mazayr , Maze 28 , Mazze , MBMC Productions LLC , MCAlphaBee 'PredatoR' Sounds , MDJZ , Mechanik Project , MEHILOVE , Meide , Melarmony , Meliodika , MELLOJ , Melodic District , Melodic Techno Movement , Melodicr , Melou , Merry Johnson , Mert Yonar , Mescadi , Messiah , Mfinity , Michael Barabie , Michael Scheppert , Michel Garret , Michon , MicJaiy Records , Micky Stardust , Microdub , Midnight Evolution , Midnight Sounds , Midsummer , Mika Moods , MIKE BTK , Mikey Goodfire , Miky Larus , Milena (Melaniya) , Miles Devant , Mille The Hit , Milos Pesovic , Milosh Pannic , MIMMO ERRICO , Mind Tourist , Minestrone , Minimal CriminaL , MiraculuM , Mirojam , Mishandinho , MisolaRec Record , Miss Monique , Miss Weirdy , Mitchell Frederick , Miya Santa , MJFuNk , Mlody Close , Mobileep D Beats , Modern Walking , Modica , Modis Chrisha , MODUS VIVENDI RECORDS , Moiss Music , Mojnz , Moksha , Molac , Molekula , MoM , Moments , Monobo , Monofire Records , Monoplate , Monoque , Monsieur De Brion , Monsters At Work , Mood Tree , Moody (UK) , Moog Conspiracy , Moonbeam , Morse Code , Mostly Unfamous , MOTHR , Motives , Mounem Ben Rhouma , Moussaieff Records , MOVEMENT MUSIC , MowjahOnTheBeatz (Dj Mow) , Mowree , MOX7AY , Mozar.iox , Mr Mose , Mr NYCE , Mr Zee Morez , Mr. Frisson , Mr. Love , Mr.Diamond , Mr.Drum-o-Matic , Mrleon , Mrmsoun6 , MRZO (BR) , MT DARK , Mula , Muladhara Recordings.com , Mundell / Move Tomove , Murat Uncuoglu , MURSIA&VAR , Musa Keita(Hayzus) , Mushroom People , Mushy.1ife , MUTVTION , Muzik Samurai , Muzvio , MVTHS , Mx Res , Mydoz , Mystery Freedom , Mzperx , MZR , N-FEJO _ (MURAN-BOY GOT IT) , N'Hood Music , N3dek , Nachtaktiv , Naga , Najela Soir , Naksy , Nambeh , Nara No Kami , Narcyz , Nariz , Nas Horizon , Nas Jee , NASH , Nasser Alazzawi , NateTheMeh , NATIONAL ANTHEMS Of The WORLD , Nato Medrado , Nebulae Rasa , Necola Project , Negruss Jav , Neilson , NeKKoN , Nella Vrakou , Nelman , Neon Heartbeat Club , NERE. , NeRot , Neru , Nerutto , Netrak , NETRUNNER , Neuralis , Next Route , Niala'Kil , NIALL KELLY , Nic Cammelli , Nick Jay , Nick Lace , Nick Newman , NICK VIERRA , Nickon Faith , Nicktucker , Nico Bohme , Nicolas Masseyeff , Nicolas Prieto , Nicolasfrancoual , Nicole Holmes , Nicole Lengen , NIELL , NIK ROS , NIKE JAYS , Nikefalas , Niki_S , Nikita Grib , NIKK DUST , Nikos K. , Nikosf. , Nila , Nima Recordings , Nima Van Ghavim , Nina Ross , NINA ROSS Supreme Beats , NiNi (IL) , NISH , No Body , No Hay Acuerdo , No Hopes (Official) , No Hype Music , Noa Milan , Nobilis , NOCID [Bs'Art Tek] , Nodslie , Noil Recordings , Noise Generation , Noise88 , Nokturnik , Nomada.ec , NONIX , NorB , Normtone , NorthStarr , NOSS , Not Demure , Not For Us Records , NovaBlack , Noven , NoxParr , NOZART , Nuage , Nubal , NuFects , Nuhna , Numeric Space , Nuur-ofc , Nylu , OBLIVIUM Records , OBWAN , OCD , OCD1977 , Ocean's Deep , Octavio Gimenez , October , Odeum (UA) , OfficialRedHiLL , Ofisher , Ohadnissim , OHMZ , OinarK , OLIVAN , Olympic Pool Maintenance League , Omina , Ominous , OMNI72 , Onessbeats , Oniva&Faeli , Onset , OR1GAME , ORCHIID , OrgonauTh , Oriane Lima , Origin Of Styx , Ormus , Ort Noise , ORYMA , Oscarrockenberg , OsMan , Oszilla , Oudix , Outerkult , OUTRAGE , Owen Norton , Owl Scream Records , P.A.T. , P.U.L.S.A.R , P4 (Pfour) , Pablo Asturizaga , Pablo Muniz , Pablo Tgm , Padeck , Paige Miller , PANOS , Pansil , Paolo Kana' Dj , Paoz , Papa Barone , PapaRazi , Paper Moth , Parallel Preservation , Parlando , Pashaa , Pat Siaz , Paul Bart , PAUL ELOV8 SMITH , Paul Farrin , Paul Hamilton , Paul Klanac , Paul Richard , Paul Sawyer , Paulo Nobre , PaulSebastian , Pay , PAYA , PDUB , Pedro Perdiz , PedroShum , Pelle , Penhilburg , Pentia , Perc Capsule , Peter Brocks , Peter Feela , Phantom Electric Ghost , Pharaoh Chii Zmok , Phari , Phil Swain , Phillosopher , Philoop 2.0 , Phiwe Morris , Phoenix Artistrys , PHONKphenom , Phono Socialist , Physics , PHYZIKAL , Phyzxx , PianoDisciples , PianoForest Records , Piet Van Noord , Pink Palm Records , PireZ_ , PL's , Planctophob , Playboyflex , Playmo , Pleight , PLON , Plus Beat'Z , PMad , POIZZONED , Pokessi , Popi , Popthecrash , Posydon , Praveen Shehantha , Preme , Presia , Prince Jay , Princess Cyberspace , Prod By SevenBeats , Prod.AyeAyeRon , Prodiiiiiii , Prognosis , Progressive Vibes Music , Proof Db , Protect , Psych Ward NZ , Psychoblind , PSYCOTIC SQUAD / P.M.ENT. , Psylex , PSYZONE , PTSD , Puccio , Purple Phoenyx Music , Purpo$e , PUSH3R , Q Mitchell Knox , Quantzka , QulaqAs , R - E-Lax , Radar , Ragie Ban , Rahat Rashid , Raisi K. , RaMuco , RAMZA , Rango , Ranta , Rare Minerals , Rarelion , Rasco Rasiehl , Rassan Williams , Rastas , RAVL C , Raxer Sound , Ray Major , Rayllex , Razzer , Rdjuanka , Re_Set , Ready Or Not , Reaktor Productions , Real Beats Wizard , Real Nam , ReBoQ , Recode , Reece Johnson , ReefSiren , Reenday , Reflexion , REFRAKT , Reig (FR) , RELO4D , Reluxe Records , Remy Martinez , Renzo Saborido , RETALIATE , Retrigg Records , Retro Video Game Remixer , REVERBATE , Rex Colter , Rezzonator , Rhys Pratt , Ria Mehta , Richard Q - Electric Communion , Rick Koen , Ricky Frengue , Rico Antonio , Ridge Garland , Ridwello , RIEL , RIGWARM , Riky Lopez , RIPIO , RISER , Riythmica , Robb Drew , Robert Babicz , Robert DB , Robertfeelgood , Roberto Ceccato , Robi Beatz , Robin Hood Of Rhyme , Robin Tayger , Roby Fayer , Rocco Tetro , Roderia , Rods Novaes , ROHM , ROKLUM , Romansmitarello , Romi Lux , RONAR Robert Narwojsz , Roni Iron , RONI RIX , RONNIE TURNER , RORO , Roteker , Rouman , Rowankeepitgoin , Roy Orion , RoyG , Rshand , RTECK Presents Techno Envison Podcast , Rudy Adams , Ruffnux , Runner , Rust , RVO_UK , RXMT1N , RY.AN , Ryospeedmaster , RYTHMOLOGY , RYX , S-Jay Soprano , Sa.Du , Sa3b , Saad Ayub , Saag , Sabine Alexander , Sacafii Dj , Saiful Idris , Saint Carmo , Sakis Triantafyllakis , Sam , Sam Bagira , Sam Hopgood , Sam Sick , Sam Wilson , Samanta Liza , Samdex , Sammy Porter , SAMO , SamTroyMusic (Official) , Sanchev_Deep_Chill_Lo-Fi , Sandefjord , Sandi ElecteoJus , Sane , SANI NIMS , SanMartello , Santiago Luna , Sapio Arts , SaQmir , Sara Gat , Sarah Jenny , Sarica , Sarv , SaSa Da Bohemian , Sasha Elektroniker , Satya-loka , SAX2VIOLIN , Scionaugh , Scott Diesel , Scott Pullen , Sdietz , Seal Network , Sebastian Blanco , Sebastian Miles , Sebastian Rivero , Seebo , Seizmic , Sekret Chadow , Sense Label , Sensy , Sentient_Musiq , Sephid , Septimo , Sercan Ozkan , Sercan Yanbay , Sergei Klokov , Sergio Del Lago , Sero , Serpentale Records , Sesento , SEUA Digital Records , Seva , SEXVXNNY , Sezai Bay , SHANIXX , Sharkboop , Sharon Perry , Shayan Pasha , ShellRobinson , Sherm , SHINIGAMI TENSHI , SHKHR , ShogunCuquin , Shomee , SHONI , ShRaiMDJ , ShtakalBerry , Shunus , Shy , SICKCODE , Silence Path , Silver Disco , Sima Ka Mthembu , SimbaSol , Simber , Simone Vitullo , Simply Dewey , SINDEX , SINVERGUENZA , SisterSweet , Siwell , SKAHR , Skaivi , SKAPA , Skedar , Skelei , SKEZ , Skizy Prod , SKIZZROCK RECORDS , Skylined , SKYTRI , Slaw , Sleazy Lettuce , Slinks , Slitt Mook , Slow Motion Soundz , SLRNRG , Smartyz , SMILEY , Smoking With Strangers , SMU , Snake Ice Beats , Snapdragon , Snatch (Official) , SNILLOC , SNRS , So Hit Fio By Dj Vitynho Ph , So Worry , SOCIAL ASSASSINS , Sodara (CH) , Softpaw , Sok P , SoKool , Solar , Solarstone , SOMETHING SPAECIAL , Son Of Synth , Soniks , SoNox , Sontwisted , Sonucation , SoulTreasure Muziq RSA , Sound Project 21 , Sounds Of The Fort , Soundsperale , Soundwave Samurai , Sourake , Soyuz. , SPACE BEAT , SPACE BOY DJ , SPACE CAT PRODUCTIONS , Spaced Out , SPACEJUMP , SpaceMonkey , SparroX , SPD Records , Speaking In Tongues , Special K (SY) , Speech Thecure , Speedsound REC. , Spefy , SPLASH CLUB 7 , Spooks , Spring Tube Labels Group , Spud In Transit , SqEpsilon , Sr. Funkie , St. Punk! , St.Ego , Stack Beats , Stacks , Stalot , Starkillers , StarlingEDM , Starmist , STARRING MUSIC , Startech42 , Stas Underhill , Static D4rk / Rafal Sentiel , Stefanno B2b Julianno , Stefano Cantella , Stefano Tt , StemZer , Stephan Crown , Stephan De Castel , Stephan Klauning , Stereoimagery , Sterlin9 , Steven Santos , Steven Vegas , Stevie Jones , Stimulant Shadow , Stinky! , STOMER , Stork , STREET HOUSE RECORDS , Strepto , STUART STONE , Style Disorder , SUARE , SuaZo , Sub Chunk , Sub Element Recordings , Sub-Label Recordings , SubOxyde , Subtractive (official) , Subtrax , Sugrshkr , Sumsuch , Sunburnt Octopus , Sunchain , Sunday Noise , Sundrej Zohar , Sunlight Project , Supah Mpondo , SUPERLOVER , Surev , Survivor Records / Zona3 , SUSPENCE , Svan Code , Svend48 , Svnstudio , SVVIENTS , Swanborn , Swiver , SYNTHX RECORDS , Systemnapotvora , T. Gatzby (Krakulan) , T.K.N.Z , T.Markakis , T&NE RECORDS , TA3NOS , Tabula Rasa , Taglo , Tamer ElDerini , Tammy Andre , Tar Virgi_Botha , Tashinho , Taugee , Tay Banzo , TbarB52 , TBase , TC Dj , TeamRespect Fresha , TEAMROOKALOTIBEATS , TecH-NeL , TechForze , Technetium , Teductive , TEELCO , Telephone Begbie , TellaVi5ion , Telomere , TempleMonks , Tenacious , Tenzig , Teo Mandrelli , Terje Saether , Terry Golden , Tete (COL) , THaF Records , Thakzin , Thamsanqa Jiyane , Thando Boulevard , That Kid Mase , The Allotrope , The Amazing Krauselbart , The Architect (US) , The BaSe , The Botanist , The Brain Collective , The Confidential Realm , The CRSTL , The Digital Devil , The Endless Knot , The Great Lake Solaria , The Happiness , The Incredible Melting Man , The Insomniac's! , The Jackal , The Khitrov , The Music Digital , The Muster Point Project , THE ROUGE MEDIA GROUP , The Second I , The Verbal Hologram , The Yard Woman , The Zombie , The_Backyard_Drips , The.last.zebra , THE956DEVIL , TheDonStone , THEMADDEEJAY , Themba Collins (Dj Trc) , Theodore Ali , TheRemixLand , This Is Mind Records , Thomas Machina , Thortrillion X , Thotlessgilli , Thunder_Rec , TIAEM , TiDUs , TIERRA PROFUNDA , Tigerlight , Tim Baresko , TIM HANMANN , Timmy Rise , Timo Veranta , Timothy Allen , Tiny , TinyGiant_SA , Tippstrip , Tiyani Music , TMM Records , To Use No Art , Tobias Sommer (official) , Toluwalase , Tom Algorithm , Tom Breeze , Tom Bryder , Toma Que Toma Records , Tomas Bisquierra , TOMY , Tonky , Tonte Concept , TONY , Tony H , Tony Jay , Tony Metric , TOOLMAN 23 , Torpedo (SA) , Torres De Lara , Tough Break , Toya Delazy , Trak B , Trash Talking In Bathrooms , Trax Mission , TRENCHES2RICHES , Trentino , Trevor Pinto , Trevor Vichas , Tribaleke , Trill803 , Tripple Beatsz , Tripswitch , Triptil , Triscele Music (Psytrance) , TrixX , Trizz2Trill , TRM Rec , Tropical Bleyage , TroubleJr , TRVESO , Trxgga Beats , Tuan Kiet Master , Tvardovsky , TWARNIE , Twilight Kollektiv , TWO TONE , Twolate , Tyler Hill , Tyler Mac , Tyler Wenning , Tyron Mc Duling , Tyvion Valentine , TZOR , U-Mount , UCHA , Ufimcev , Ulises , Umbrian Records , Umpire Records , Under Sanctions , Unlighted , UNTIL DAWN , UNWA , Utip , V E R S U E , Vaber , Valgon Music , Valiant Kings , Valique , Van Fabrik , Vandera , VANDIT Alternative , VanKloot , VAPA , Vasiliki K , Veednem , VegaZ SL , Veil , Venom Shroud , Vermo Truo , VersaceSounds , Versianni , Vertefeuille , Vervid! , ViBase , Vibrational Beings , Vicho Honorato , Vicky , Victim (SE) , Victor Carr , Views Recordings , Vijay And Sofia , Vika Shevi , Vily Vinilo , Vince Blakk , VIR7UAL NOIZ , VIRGO DEVIL , Vishnu , Vision , Vittorio Di Mango , Viva Cristo Rey , Vlachou , VOID , Voj , VOKOR , Vulpey , VXNMPY , VXSION , W!NN , W4rma , WADO , Wam Odynno , Warde , Warm Roller , WarSemi , WarX Records , Wax_beat_therapy , WE ARE ANUB/S , We Forgot... , Welupt Collective , Wesllen Santos , White Off , White_Records , Whitebronco , Whitemasked , Wibe Dents , Wice OT , Will Konitzer , Wilo Beats , Wisby , Wiseman , WO-CORE , Wockeam , Wodash Stogh , Wolftalk , WOLK , WOMXN , WORLD OF FAME RECORDS , Wynter Thames , XanoMusik , Xashes , Xavier98 , Xayanalogy , Xblaze , XCESS Entertainment , Xenotronic , XHEI , Xia Ke , Ximon , XNxstalgia! , XONDER , Xookwankii , Xtenismata.Gr , Xyafter , Y.&.G DAY DAY , Y.oshit , Y2Kmaj , Yahra , Yarbit , YARDi , Yatzil Music , Yelex , Yemanjo , YHV Music Group , YouMind , Young $ir Envy , Yung Lamar , YungGBeatz , Yungness & Jaminn , YungSe7en , Yuuta , Z-trax , Z3tsu , Zae , Zain Conor , Zaren , ZARO , ZaVen , Zawley , Zbrah , ZeeKay Official , ZEHV , ZEIT , ZekeN , Zephyr , Zetson , Zgoot , Ziger , Zippy , Znzl , ZONA JAYA RECORD , Zorobabel , Zurck X , ZXHOKAGE , Zy Khan