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Submit Demo JayworkMusic
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JayworkMusic Demo Submission Form
Accepted Genres |
Bass House
House Music
Melodic House & Techno
Progressive House
Tech House

Non-Original works inc. Remixes, Mashups, Covers are not accepted.

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By submiting this form and uploading my music file(s) to Traxbeat & its services, I hereby acknowledge that I have completely read, fully understand and accept the following statements:
1. I hereby accept and grant to Traxbeat and its services the non-exclusive right to convert, edit and stream my uploaded file to other registered users through traxbeat and its services for rating and feedback and that the final total rating of my submission will be considered as final and fair.
2. I understand and do hereby accept that by submiting my track to a single record label account I hereby grant to that record label account the exclusive right for 10 days to stream or/and, if applicable, to download my track and negotiate with me for a music licensing deal.
3. I understand and do hereby accept that the file I have selected and I am about to upload is in its final form and that I have the full rights to upload, distribute and submit the file as the owner of the work or the master representative if other Artists are involved.
4. I have read, understand and do hereby accept the Terms & Conditions.
